Comprehensive Development Plans

The Comprehensive Development Plan is a long-term plan for urban development. It describes how land is expected to be developed and how land uses may change over time to create a residential and employment hub.

Chemainus Artisan Village Comprehensive Development Plan

The intent of the Chemainus Artisan Village Comprehensive Development Plan is to:

  • Provide residents, landowners, and Council with assurance about the future development of the lands.
  • Identify how protected areas will be conserved and enhanced.
  • Identify the parkland, green space, and trail amenities for public use.
  • Identify how the site will be integrated with the surrounding areas.
  • Identify future land uses and densities within the development area.
  • Identify the urban design principles to use during subdivision and development approvals.
  • Outline an appropriate project phasing.

Kingsview Comprehensive Development Plan

The intent of the Kingsview Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) is to:

  • Offer current residents assurance about the future development of adjacent lands.
  • Provide Council with objective guidelines for making land use decisions for the development of the lands.
  • Inform transportation management relating to the project, including planning for vehicles and active transportation and pathways.
  • Identify public amenities, such as green space, trails, and recreational facilities.
  • Highlight future land uses and densities within the development area.
  • Outline project phasing.