Development Planning

Land development

Developing buildings and land in North Cowichan is often a multi-stage process and usually involves interaction not only with Planning staff, but with municipal staff in other departments (e.g. Engineering and Building), as well as with Council and the general public.

Small scale multi-units housing zoning (Bill 44) – June 2024

North Cowichan has changed its zoning regulations to comply with the Provincial Legislation – Bill 44: Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act, 2023. As of June 19, 2024, three to four dwelling units are permitted on most residential lots within the urban areas. To learn more about the new zoning regulations visit:

Getting started

As every property and development proposal is unique, and application requirements can vary, please contact Planning Staff by phone: 250-746-3104 or by email to discuss your project and application requirements prior to submitting an application.  Planning Staff are here to guide you through the process and to advise if a pre-application meeting is necessary prior to your submission.

Site Disclosure Statement Form

A completed Site Disclosure Statement (effective February 1, 2021) is required in addition to the required application documents for development applications, land use amendments, subdivisions and building permits.  A Site Disclosure Statement is necessary to determine and identify if potential Schedule 2 activities of the Contaminated Sites Regulation have occurred on the subject property or properties. Identification of a "Schedule 2" industrial or commercial use on the property or properties will typically require that the Site Disclosure Statement be forwarded to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy.  In this circumstance, North Cowichan cannot grant development approvals or issue permits until it receives authorization from the Ministry to proceed. The provincial Site Remediation website is the best resource of information on all aspects of contaminated sites.

Applications that are submitted without the mandatory Site Disclosure Statement will be considered incomplete and will delay the application process.

Onsite and offsite requirements and related policies

Related applications and resources