Public Hearing Notices and Information Packages
Please note, there are no public hearings scheduled at this time.
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Public hearing FAQs
Staff and Council want to ensure that residents have adequate notice and access to information on bylaw amendments. For example, if there is a rezoning proposal that you are interested in, there are a number of ways to find out more about the proposal and when the Public Hearing will be held:
- On-site signage: When applicable, on-site signage is placed on a property, which provides general information about the application and contact information.
- Mail out & delivery: When applicable, the Public Hearing notice is mailed and/or delivered to property owners and tenants within a 60 metre (200 ft.) radius of the subject property. The notices are sent at least 10 days prior to the Public Hearing date.
- Municipal Hall: The Public Hearing notice and background materials are available for in-person viewing at the Planning department counter at Municipal Hall.
- Social media: Public Hearing notices are posted to Facebook and Twitter between 12 to 15 days before the Public Hearing.
- Newspaper advertisements: Public Hearings are advertised in local newspaper(s) between 3 and 10 days before the Public Hearing.
- Public Notice posting places: Public Hearing notices are posted on the front entrance notice board at Municipal Hall, 7030 Trans-Canada Highway and on the main page of North Cowichan's website.
The purpose of the notification is to provide notice only. If you would like to know more about the proposal(s), please contact the Planning department directly or view the information available on the website. Should you wish to participate in the Public Hearing you are strongly encouraged to talk to Planning staff to be sure to have all your questions answered prior to the Public Hearing. As previously noted, the Public Hearing is not a question and answer period – it is an opportunity for your views to be heard by Council.
Public Hearings are held in a hybrid format which enables members of the public to participate via written submissions, in person from Council Chambers, and/or virtually using the Webex events online platform.
All written submissions should include your name and address and state whether you are ‘in favour’ or ‘opposed’ to the application. Please forward your submissions before 1:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to the Public Hearing in order to make them available to Council and the public in general in advance of the Public Hearing. Any submissions received after this cut-off will be read out during the Public Hearing by the Corporate Officer.
- Drop Box at Municipal Hall: written submissions can be dropped into the drop box at the main entrance of Municipal Hall at 7030 Trans-Canada Highway.
- By Mail: written submissions by mail to 7030 Trans-Canada Highway, Duncan BC V9L 6A1.
- By Email: email submissions to
- By Computer Desktop - Test your computer's capabilities
- We recommend downloading and installing the Cisco Webex Meetings application from If you prefer to join through the web browser only, please use a modern web browser such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox or, on Apple computers, Safari.
- Test whether your computer is capable of participating, including whether you can hear and be heard, by starting a test meeting at:
- Up to 30 minutes before the meeting
- Click on the Attendee Link under the Upcoming Meeting Information section from the web browser to open the Cisco Webex Event webpage
- Enter your First name, Last name, and Email address in the spaces provided
- Click on the Join Now button
- If prompted, install any plugins or extensions
- You will be automatically muted upon entry into the meeting
- Click on the Participants button to reveal the small Raise Hand button if you'd like to speak
- When it is your turn to speak, you will be announced by the meeting coordinator
- By Mobile Device (smartphone/tablet) - Install and Test Cisco Webex Meetings
1. Download the Cisco Webex Meetings mobile app from your app store (ie. Apple iTunes or Google Play)
2. Test whether you will be able to hear and be heard by starting a test meeting at:
- Up to 30 minutes before the meeting
- Click on the Attendee Link under the Upcoming Meeting Information section from the web browser on your device to open the Cisco Webex Event webpage
- Click on the Join button
- When prompted, choose to open in app
- You will be automatically muted upon entry into the meeting
- Click on the Participants button to reveal the small Raise Hand button if you'd like to speak
- When it is your turn to speak, you will be announced by the meeting coordinator
- By Telephone: if you would like to make comment during the meeting, or would like to hear the proceedings but do not have access to live stream the meeting, use the following information to connect by telephone:
- Dial the toll free number: 1-844-426-4405
- Choose your preferred language
- When prompted for access code/meeting number, enter the Meeting # noted in the Upcoming Meeting Information table above
- You will be automatically muted upon entry into the meeting
- Press *3 to raise your hand if you would like to speak when asked by the Mayor
- When it is your turn to speak, you will hear the meeting coordinator state that the next caller is a telephone caller, followed by the system saying "You are unmuted"
- When you are announced, follow the Chairperson's instructions, including stating your name and address clearly for the record, whether you are 'in favour' or 'opposed'
- Address any comments you may have to the Chairperson. Please keep your comments directed to the matter which is the subject of the Public Hearing, be succinct (three minutes maximum), and be respectful of Council, District staff and other members of the public in attendance
- Please remain on the line after making your comments, as Council may wish to ask questions of you to clarify your statements
- View Live Stream Video Feed: Public Hearings are live-streamed so residents can view the discussion from home. You can watch in the Live Stream Viewer.
The purpose of a Public Hearing is for the public to provide input and for Council to listen. Council will not respond to questions from the public. Council may, in its discretion, ask staff or the applicant to provide clarity where Council is of the view that the response will assist Council in its consideration of the application.
- The Chairperson calls the meeting to order, describes the procedure for the meeting and proceeds with the first agenda item.
- The Corporate Officer will then provide a summary of correspondence received as well as accept any petitions or late correspondence.
- When applicable, the Director of Planning, or designate, will introduce the proposed bylaw amendment.
- The owner/applicant will then be provided an opportunity to address Council to outline their proposal and answer any questions Council may have.
- The general public will then be given the opportunity to speak to the item. Information on how to provide input is shown above.
- Everyone who wishes to speak will be given an opportunity to be heard. Once everyone has had a chance to speak, those who wish to speak again to present “new points” will be given the opportunity to do so. A speaker will not debate a point of view with another speaker but will seek clarification through the Chair.
- The Chairperson calls three (3) times, to ask if anyone else would like to speak. After the third time, should no one raise their hand to speak, the public hearing is then closed.
- If there is more than one Public Hearing scheduled, the Chairperson will introduce the next matter and the above steps are repeated.
Once a Public Hearing is closed, no new information on the matter can be received by Council, including letters, emails or phone calls. This is to allow a fair process as established by provincial case law.
- Council may receive clarification and opinion in respect of issues raised at a public hearing from their staff or outside experts it retains on questions raised during the public hearing.
- Council may, without further notice or hearing, adopt or defeat the proposed bylaw, or alter and then adopt the bylaw, provided that the alteration does not alter the use, increase the density or, without the consent of the owner, decrease the density of any area of the lands that are the subject of the bylaw.
Privacy disclaimer
Please note that Public Hearings are webcast live and a recording is available on North Cowichan's website. Correspondence you submit, including name and address, will form part of the public record for the public hearing and will be published on North Cowichan's website. North Cowichan considers your name and address relevant to this matter and will disclose this personal information as it informs Council’s consideration of your opinion in relation to the subject property. However, your phone number and email address will not be disclosed.
Personal information is collected by North Cowichan under the authority of s. 26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of administering the Public Hearing. Please direct any questions about personal information to North Cowichan's Privacy Officer by:
- Telephone: 250-746-3116
- Email:
- Mail: 7030 Trans-Canada Highway, Duncan, BC, V9L 6A1
Please note that the information on this page is provided as a service to the public. While updated as new material comes in, there may be some timing delays.