Public Hearings

Public Hearing Notices and Information Packages

Please note, there are no public hearings scheduled at this time.
Meeting information 
Meeting type: 
Meeting link:  
Meeting ID:  

Public hearing FAQs

Privacy disclaimer

Please note that Public Hearings are webcast live and a recording is available on North Cowichan's website. Correspondence you submit, including name and address, will form part of the public record for the public hearing and will be published on North Cowichan's website.  North Cowichan considers your name and address relevant to this matter and will disclose this personal information as it informs Council’s consideration of your opinion in relation to the subject property.  However, your phone number and email address will not be disclosed. 

Personal information is collected by North Cowichan under the authority of s. 26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of administering the Public Hearing.  Please direct any questions about personal information to North Cowichan's Privacy Officer by:

Please note that the information on this page is provided as a service to the public.  While updated as new material comes in, there may be some timing delays.