About North Cowichan Bylaws
A bylaw is a document that describes rules, regulations, and requirements for the conduct of the Municipality, its residents, and those who visit. They are an extension of the laws put in place by the provincial government and serve to clarify but not contradict those laws.
Bylaw Directory
Our bylaw directory contains downloadable, printable copies of North Cowichan’s most commonly referred to municipal bylaws.
In some instances, bylaws have been consolidated for easier interpretation. Consolidated bylaws are convenience copies, and while we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the bylaws on our website, it is advisable to refer to the original bylaw and amendment bylaws.
If you have a question about a bylaw or want to speak to our Bylaw Enforcement team, call 250-746-3108 or email bylaw@northcowichan.ca.
If you want to report a bylaw violation, an online reporting form is available on the Bylaw Services page.
For help locating a specific copy of a bylaw, email the Legislative Services department.
Bylaw | Bylaw No. | Type(s) |
Duncan-North Cowichan Joint Utilities Agreement Bylaw | 1721 | Public Utilities |
Elected Officials Oath of Office Bylaw | 3711 | Governance and Administration |
Election and Assent Voting Bylaw | 3837 | Governance and Administration |
False Alarm Bylaw | 3610 | Regulatory |
Fees and Charges Bylaw | 3784 | Finance and Budgets |
Fire Protection Bylaw | 3841 | Regulatory |
Firearms Bylaw | 3077 | Regulatory |
Fireworks Regulation Bylaw | 3810 | Regulatory |
Five-Year Financial Plan Bylaw | 3953 | Finance and Budgets |
Float Home Standards Bylaw | 3015 | Land Use and Development |
Forest Use Bylaw | 3265 | Parks and Public Places |
Freedom of Information Bylaw | 2617 | Governance and Administration |
Highway Use Bylaw | 2261 | Regulatory |
Indemnification Bylaw | 3539 | Finance and Budgets |
Inter-Community Business Licence Bylaw | 3525 | Licensing |
Intermunicipal Business Licence Agreement Bylaw, 2003 | 3169 | Licensing |
Mobile Home Parks Bylaw | 1775 | Land Use and Development |
Municipal Ticket Information System Bylaw | 3464 | Licensing |
Noise Bylaw | 2857 | Regulatory |
Nuisance Abatement and Cost Recovery Bylaw | 3804 | Regulatory |