The Building Department of North Cowichan oversees the issuance of permits for moving a structure from one location to another. Our aim is to provide applicants with all the necessary information and tools required for a seamless and successful permit application. Please see below a comprehensive checklist and guide to assist in preparing a building permit application for a building relocation.
Step 1: Plan your location
You must submit a completed Planning Compliance form with every building permit application. Development permit areas (DPAs), Agriculture Land Designation (ALR), zoning bylaw regulations and charges on title all play crucial roles and can significantly impact the location of the building site. Proper consideration of these elements is essential for any construction project to ensure legal adherence, environmental responsibility, and the overall success of the building project.
Zoom in on the property to view its zoning designation. This will typically be labeled on the map.
Compare the zoning designation to the information provided in Zoning Bylaw No. 2950 to understand the permitted uses, building regulations, and any other zoning-related details.
Identify Development Permit Areas:
Refer to any additional information provided by the mapping tool regarding these areas.
Access Agriculture Land Designation and determine if the property lies within Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR).
Review Zoning Bylaw regulations:
Access and review Zoning Bylaw No. 2950 on the municipal website for setbacks, lot coverage, and building height restrictions.
Complete the form:
With the gathered information in hand, you can now complete the form accurately, referring to the municipal interactive mapping and Zoning Bylaw No. 2950 as needed to ensure your responses are in line with the current regulations and designations.
Verify, sign and submit:
Once complete, submit this form with the building permit application package.
Step 2: Design your project
Follow the checklist below before submitting an application. The supporting documents must be submitted with the application in order to be accepted and approved. One application and permit per building or structure.
Certification from a registered professional that the building or structures meets the requirements of the BC Building Code and other applicable codes, standards and enactments
Report by a qualified appraiser shows that the building(s) appraised value, after it is moved, will at least equal the average assessed value, according to the British Columbia Assessment Authority, of the residential buildings within 61 m (200 ft.) of the land to which the building is to be moved
To be obtained by the Land Title Office (or lawyer, notary, real estate office):
Title search (acquired within 30 days of your application date)
Route plan (provide a copy of the planned route for Engineering Department review and approval if moving dwelling on municipal roads)
WorkSafeBC regulations require that a hazardous material assessment be completed prior altering any building or structure constructed prior to 1990.
For further information and requirements, contact WorkSafeBC online or by phone at 1-888-621-7233.
Hazardous materials assessment report (required if building was constructed prior to 1990)
Notice of project (asbestos number)
Hazardous material clearance letter confirming that asbestos has been removed
Note: This must be provided prior to requesting a final inspection
Professional surveyor
A surveyor will be required to locate the proposed foundation if the proposed building is within 1 foot of a required setback and the property pins are available or if the proposed building is within 5 feet of a required setback and the property pins are not available.
Step 3: Online submission
Email a completed Building Permit application form to and request a file upload ShareLink. In the subject line of the email, title it “Request for ShareLink”
Upload the required checklist documentation via ShareLink.
Once received, your request will be processed.
Step 4: Building permit fees
Once a building permit has been approved a fee slip will be provided for payment.
$5,000 bonding / security as prescribed in "Building Bylaw 2003, No. 3172" (released when all work is completed to the satisfaction or the Chief Building Inspector)
The permit fee is set out in the Fees and Charges Bylaw. Please contact the Planning & Building Department to confirm amount owed.
Permit fees are payable by:
cash, interact, cheque or money order - made payable to the Corporation of the District of North Cowichan
online payment - please use “North Cowichan – A/R” as the payee, using folder number BP00…. as your account to identify the fee you are paying. We request that you email a copy of your Fee Slip to when payment has been made and copy the email to Applicants may need to contact their financial institution for vendor account formatting.
Credit cards are not accepted.
A fee slip with be sent to the applicant once the permit is approved.
The permit fee does not include the Development Permit fee if one is determined to be required.
Important information about permits
Inspections are required at various stages of your project.
Call 250-746-3102 to request an inspection or to confirm all necessary paperwork and permits are complete.