The North Cowichan Planning & Building Department oversees the issuance of permits for building additions. Please note that strict adherence to the Zoning Bylaw and other local regulations is required. Detailed checklists and submission guidelines are provided to ensure compliance and expedite the approval process.
Follow the checklist below before submitting an application. This checklist is intended to provide applicants with the minimum requirements for an application. The supporting documents must be submitted with the application to be accepted and approved.
Step 1: Plan your location
You must submit a completed Planning Compliance form with every building permit application. Development Permit Areas (DPAs), Agriculture Land Designation (ALR), Zoning Bylaw regulations, and charges on title all play crucial roles and can significantly impact the location of the building site. Proper consideration of these elements is essential for any construction project to ensure legal adherence, environmental responsibility, and the overall success of the building project.
Check Zoning Designations. These are typically labeled on the map.
Compare the zoning designation to the information provided in Zoning Bylaw to understand the permitted uses, building regulations, and any other zoning-related details.
Identify Development Permit Areas and refer to any additional information provided by the mapping tool regarding these areas.
Access Agriculture Land Designation to determine if the property lies within Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR).
Review Zoning Bylaw Regulations:
Access and review Zoning Bylaw on the municipal website for setbacks, lot coverage, and building height restrictions.
Complete the form:
With the gathered information in hand, you can now complete the form accurately, referring to the municipal interactive mapping and Zoning Bylaw as needed to ensure your responses are in line with the current regulations and designations.
Verify, sign and submit:
Once complete, submit this form with the building permit application package.
Step 2: Design your project
You must follow the checklist below before submitting an application. The supporting documents must be submitted with the application in order to be accepted and approved.
See requirements for Part 3 and Part 9 applications below.
Part 3 Buildings: Commercial, multi-family, and industrial permits
Part 3 Buildings are buildings classified as Group A, B or F-1, or exceeding 600m2 in building area or exceeding three storeys in building height and have major occupancies classified as Group C (residential), D (office/service), E (retail), or F-2, F-3 (medium- and high-hazard industrial).
Building code review – completed by an architect, professional engineer or building designer
Coordinating registered professional (architect/P.Eng.) - Letter of Assurance (Schedule A)
Architectural drawings (1 set or digital, sealed) that includes: Letters of Assurance (Schedule B), site plan and parking layout; landscaping working drawings and estimate
Structural drawings (1 set or digital, sealed) that includes: A confirmation letter stating that the “Structural Design Review” as per the Professional Practice Guideline of Engineers and Geoscientists of BC has been conducted.
Mechanical drawings (1 set or digital, sealed) that includes: complying with ASHRAE standard 90.1 (2010) or NRCC 54435 “National Code of Canada for Buildings”, except residential portions of up to 4 storey buildings Letters of Assurance (Schedule B)
Plumbing drawings (1 set or digital, sealed) that includes: Letters of Assurance (Schedule B)
Electrical drawings (1 set or digital, sealed) that includes: fire alarm and emergency lighting; Letters of Assurance (Schedule B)
Fire suppression drawings (1 set or digital, sealed) that includes: sprinkler drawings; Letters of Assurance (Schedule B), hydraulic calculations
Civil drawings (1 set or digital, sealed) that includes: design of on-site servicing; design of off-site servicing and access; erosion and sediment control plan; Letters of Assurance (Schedule B: plumbing Iitem 4.2, Site Services)
Geotechnical report – (1 sealed original and digital copy) that includes: Letters of Assurance (Schedule B)
Energy Efficiency Requirements (choose applicable compliance path) BC Energy Step Code & Zero Carbon Part Buildings Energy Design Checklist, National Energy Code of Canada (NECB), American Association of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ANSI/ASHRAE/IES 90.1)
Development permit #______________________
Alternative solutions reports – 1 sealed copy of the Letter of Assurance (Schedule B)
BC Housing registration documents for residential occupancies (documents are required prior to building permit issuance)
Tenant improvements
Demolition or renovation of existing buildings
Architectural plans: All Part 3 buildings require plans sealed by an Architect, with the exception of simple industrial buildings which can be sealed by an Engineer. An Architectural Letter of Assurance (Schedule B) must accompany all plans, whether they are sealed by an Architect or by an Engineer.
Appointment of agent: This is required if someone other than the registered owner or Coordinating Registered Professional is to apply for the building permit. Please see the “Agent Authorization” form.
Alternative solution report: This is required if an alternative solution is proposed to comply with a requirement of the BC Building Code. This is typically developed by a fire protection engineer specializing in code analysis.
BC Building Code analysis: This is completed by the architect or engineer, depending on the complexity of the building.
Building permit (BP) fees: Permit fees are based on the market value of construction as follows: value not exceeding $5000 - $100; value between $5000 and $100,000 - $100 for the first $5000 plus $10 per $1000 over $5000; value over $100,000 - $1050 for the first $100,000 plus $7 per $1000 over $100,000. Additional fees, including those for plumbing, on-site servicing can be found in the Fees and Charges Bylaw.
Bonding (security): Before a building permit is issued, bonding is typically required for landscaping and works and services. Bonding amounts are based on the value of the work to be done and will be released or reduced when the work and landscaping are completed to the satisfaction of North Cowichan.
Civil drawings: Sealed drawings are required for on-site works including drainage from parking areas and off-site works, if required (see works and services).
Coordinating registered professional (CRP): In accordance with the duties of a CRP, it is the responsibility of the CRP to collect and submit all Schedule A, B and Ds with the BP application and Schedule C at project completion. All correspondence will be directed to the CRP with copies to the owner.
Development Cost Charges (DCCs): Applicable on most projects. DCCs are calculated on the gross floor area (GFA) and vary according to use..
Development Permit (DP): Applicable to most new construction and alterations and/or additions to Part 3 Buildings. These are to be coordinated with Planning & Building Department staff. DPs must be approved prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Geotechnical report: Is required for all proposed developments. Registration of a covenant on title may be required for subsidence, flood, landslip or erosion, depending on the content of the report. See Guidelines for the Preparation of Geotechnical Reports for more details.
Mechanical drawings and Letters of Assurance (Schedule B): Sealed drawings and Letters of Assurance are required for all complex projects and projects with ventilation/heating systems serving more than one suite or floor.
Site plan: A property site survey that is scaled and dimensioned to show all property lines, rights-of-way, easements, setbacks as well as the location of proposed and existing buildings, parking layout, accesses from the street, natural boundary, top of bank and leave strips of watercourses and wetlands. A survey from a BC land surveyor is required for layout of multi-family sites and any proposed buildings located within 6 inches of any required setback or as required by building inspection staff.
Works and services (W&S): Applicable on most projects, the provision of works and services is a condition of the issuance of a building permit. See the Works and Services Bylaw.
Part 9 Buildings: Commercial, multi-family, and industrial permits
This checklist provides the requirements for a building permit application for commercial, multi-family, and industrial buildings falling under Part 9 of the BC Building Code. Part 9 Buildings are 3 storeys or less, have a building area less than 600m2 and have major occupancies classified as Group C (residential), D (office/service), E (retail), or F-2, F-3 (medium- and low-hazard industrial).
Architectural drawings (1 set or digital, sealed) that includes: site plan and parking layout; landscaping working drawings and estimate; BC Building Code analysis
Structural drawings (1 set or digital, sealed):Letters of Assurance (Schedule B) are applicable when the structural design is beyond Part 9 of the BC Building Code
Fire suppression drawings (1 set or digital, sealed) that includes: Letters of Assurance (Schedule B), hydraulic calculations
Civil drawings (1 set or digital, sealed) that includes: engineering requirements checklist; design of on-site servicing; design of off-site servicing and access; erosion and sediment control plan; Letters of Assurance (Schedule B: Plumbing Item 4.2, Site Services)
Geotechnical report – (1 sealed original and digital copy) that includes: when site conditions warrant (i.e. steep slope, fire hazard etc.); Letters of Assurance (Schedule B) – when field review is recommended within the geotechnical report or the building site falls outside the scope of Part 9.
Truss, floor and beam layout for engineered products (unless detailed on the plans) – sealed by a structural engineer
Isometric plumbing drawings – if plumbing is not under an engineer’s design and field review
Development permit #______________________
Coordinating Registered Professional (architect/P.Eng.) – Letter of Assurance (Schedule A)
Architectural drawings – 1 set or digital, sealed: Letter of Assurance (Schedule B)
Electrical drawings – 1 set or digital, sealed: when a fire alarm system is installed - Letter of Assurance (Schedule B)
Mechanical drawings – 1 set or digital, sealed: Letter of Assurance (Schedule B)
Alternative solutions reports – 1 set or digital, sealed: Letter of Assurance (Schedule B)
BC Housing registration documents for residential occupancies (documents are required prior to building permit issuance)
Tenant improvements
Demolition or renovation of existing buildings
Architectural Plans - Part 9 buildings require sealed plans if they are of complex design, have common egress systems, fire walls or have more than 4 residential units. An Architectural Letter of Assurance (Schedule B) must accompany sealed plans.
Appointment of Agent - This is required if someone other than the registered owner or Coordinating Registered Professional is to apply for and/or pick up the Building Permit. Please see the “Agent Authorization” form on our website.
Alternative Solution Report - This is required if an alternative solution is proposed to comply with a requirement of the BC Building Code. This is typically developed by a Fire Protection Engineer specializing in Code Analysis.
BC Building Code Analysis - This is completed by the Architect or Engineer, depending on the complexity of the building.
Building Permit (BP) Fees - Permit fees are based on the market value of construction as follows: value not exceeding $5000 - $100; value between $5000 and $100,000 - $100 for the first $5000 plus $10 per $1000 over $5000; value over $100,000 - $1050 for the first $100,000 plus $7 per $1000 over $100,000. Additional fees, including those for plumbing, on-site servicing can be found in “Fees Bylaw”, Bylaw 3603, available on our website.
Bonding (Security) - Prior to the issuance of the Building Permit, bonding is typically required for Landscaping and Works and Services. Bonding amounts are based on the value of the work to be done and will be released or reduced when the work and landscaping are completed to the satisfaction of North Cowichan.
Civil Drawings - Sealed drawings are required for on-site works including drainage from parking areas and off-site works, if required (see Works and Services)
Coordinating Registered Professional (CRP) - A CRP is required when 3 or more professionals are involved, or as required by Building Inspections. In accordance with the duties of a CRP, it is the responsibility of the CRP to collect and submit all Schedule A, B and Ds with the BP application and Schedule C at project completion.
Development Cost Charges (DCCs) - Applicable on most projects. DCCs are calculated on the gross floor area (GFA) and vary according to use (i.e. residential, commercial, industrial etc.). For further information, see “Development Cost Charges Bylaw”, Bylaw 3460, available on our website.
Development Permit (DP) - Applicable to most new construction and alterations and/or additions to Part 9 Buildings. These are to be coordinated with our Development Services Planning Department staff. DPs must be approved prior to the issuance of a Building Permit.
Geotechnical Report - A Geotechnical Report will be required if the building site includes, steep slope, risk of flood, or other unusual site conditions. A Schedule B for design and field review will be required if recommended in a Geotechnical Report or if the building site falls outside the scope of Part 9. Registration of a covenant on Title may be required for subsidence, flood, landslip or erosion, depending on the content of the report.
Isometric Plumbing Drawings - These are typically drawn by a plumber and must include the location and size of every drain, trap, and cleanout on a building storm drain, soiled waste and vent pipe systems as well as the potable water distribution including pipe sizes and valves.
Mechanical Drawings and Letters of Assurance (Schedule B) - Sealed drawings and Letters of Assurance are required for all complex projects and projects with ventilation/heating systems serving more than one suite or floor.
Site Plan - A property site survey that is scaled and dimensioned to show all property lines, rights-of-way, easements, setbacks as well as the location of proposed and existing buildings, accesses from the street, natural boundary, top of bank and leave strips of watercourses and wetlands. A survey from a BC Land Surveyor is required for layout of multi-family sites and any proposed buildings located within 6” of any required setback or as required by Building Inspection staff.
Works and Services (W&S) - Applicable on most projects, the provision of Works and Services is a condition of the issuance of a Building Permit. For further information, see “A Bylaw to Require the Provision of Works and Services Upon Subdivision Approval or Issuance of a Building Permit”, Bylaw 2275 available on our website.
Step 3: Submitting online
Email a completed Building Permit application form to and request a file upload ShareLink. In the subject line of the email, title it “Request for ShareLink”
Upload the required checklist documentation to ShareLink.
Once received, your request will be processed.
Step 4: Building permit fees
Once a building permit has been approved a fee slip will be provided for payment.
The permit fee is set out in the Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 3784. Contact the Planning & Building Department to confirm amount owed.
Permit fees are payable by:
cash, interact, cheque or money order - made payable to the Corporation of the District of North Cowichan
online payment - please use “North Cowichan – A/R” as the payee, using folder number BP00…. as your account to identify the fee you are paying. We request that you email a copy of your Fee Slip to when payment has been made and copy the email to Applicants may need to contact their financial institution for vendor account formatting.
Credit cards are not accepted.
A fee slip with be sent to the applicant once the permit is approved.
The permit fee does not include the Development Permit fee if one is determined to be required.
Important information about permits
Inspections may be required at various stages of your project.
Call 250-746-3102 to request an inspection or to confirm all necessary paperwork and permits are complete.