
Report a problem:

Report a problem

By phone, Mon-Fri (7:30am - 4pm), call the Operations Department at 250-746-3106

  • After hours (evenings, weekends, holidays), call the after-hours line at 250-746-5112

Curbside collection

Information regarding recycling, garbage and kitchen organics collection can be found on our Curbside Collection page.


The design, implementation, and connection to the water system is the responsibility of the Engineering department. Maintenance is done by the Operations department. More information, including usage limits and water accounts, can be found on the Water page. For sprinkling restrictions and tips, please visit Water Conservation.

Billing inquiries or questions about your water bill or meter reading should be directed to the Finance department. Please contact the Utilities Clerk by phone (250) 746-3100, or email finance@northcowichan.ca. Multiple ways to pay are available from Payment Locations

Sewer and waste water management

North Cowichan uses a form of waste water and sewage treatment called aerobic digestion. For more information about this process go to our Waste Water Management page, as well as North Cowichan's Groundwater Protection Plan.

If you are unsure what you can flush down the toilet please visit our Don’t Flush Trouble page for more information. Please note that this sewage treatment process can only treat organic material.


You can securely access all of your North Cowichan accounts online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at the MyMuni page. View tax account information, water consumption, utilities history, dog licences, and business licences. All you need is a copy of your bill for the account number you want to register and then create a profile to register your accounts.