Council met for just over two hours during our Regular Council meeting on February 7, 2024.
My Mayor’s Report included the following:
- Earlier this month we held the first Community Transition meeting at the North Cowichan Municipal Hall, to provide support to the 75 Crofton mill workers impacted by the Paper Excellence decision to indefinitely curtail paper operations at the facility. Thanks to staff from the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development & Innovation for their work in organizing this meeting, and bringing together the various government agencies and service providers to give an overview of the supports and resources available to members of Unifor Local 1132 and the Public & Private Workers of Canada (PPWC) Local 2. Over the coming weeks and months, we will continue working together to help all those workers impacted to access available supports and transition to new training and employment.
- I provided an update on our efforts to re-start conversations with BC Ferries regarding the Terminal Development Plan for the Crofton ferry terminal. In 2019 BC Ferries held two rounds of public engagement with key stakeholders and the broader community on potential terminal development concepts. However, this work was put on hold in 2020 due to COVID-19, and unfortunately there has been no significant movement since. During the past year, we have reached out to the BC Ferries CEO on several occasions requesting a meeting to discuss next steps with the project, but to date have been unsuccessful. We have expressed our frustration to the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure and our Nanaimo-North Cowichan MLA, and hope to secure a meeting with the BC Ferries CEO in the near future.
A number of bylaws that had previously received three readings were adopted including:
- The Highway Use Amendment Bylaw, which enables bylaw enforcement officers to manage the use of municipal sidewalks.
- The Delegation of Authority Bylaw, which delegates Council’s authority to appoint the Poundkeeper and Animal Control Officers to the director responsible for bylaw services.
- The Bylaw Enforcement Officer Bylaw, which establishes the bylaw enforcement officer position by a way other than under the Police Act. This ensures that bylaw compliance officers are accountable to Council rather than the officer in charge of the local RCMP detachment.
- The South End Waterworks District Amendment Bylaw expands this waterworks district by connecting eight new lots along North Road.
The 2024 – 2028 Financial Plan Bylaw was also adopted. This bylaw sets out the operating and capital expenditures and funding sources for the 2024 tax year and sets the tax increase for 2024 to 5.18%. The RCMP contract that is determined by the federal government, and our Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL) contribution that is determined by the VIRL Board account for 1.75% of the increase.
A Development Variance Permit Application that grants an exemption to the off-street loading and an on-site location for garbage container requirements for five townhouse lots on Seablush Crescent and Woodrush Drive, as part of the Kingsview comprehensive development area, was approved. A Zoning Amendment Bylaw that proposes to update the off-street loading space requirements, was given first three readings and will now proceed to a public hearing at a future date.
Acting Fire Chief Ron French presented the North Cowichan Fire Department 2023 Annual Report. The report outlined the calls, training, and public education activities for 2023. The department’s top three incident types were medical, burning complaint, and motor vehicle accident, and South End Fire Hall received the most calls. The department also hosted 46 public education and prevention events totally more than 114 hours of time with more than 3,500 participants.
North Cowichan’s 2023 Q4 Council Strategic Plan Update for October 1 to December 31 was also received. This informative report outlines all the projects and activities underway or completed over the last three months of 2023. Highlights from this quarter include a return to pre-COVID visits to the Cowichan Aquatic Centre, an accessibility audit for 16 park sites, and updates about a record year in building permit revenue, with a total of 245 building permit applications representing 229 new residential units.
Council authorized a lease agreement with the federal government for the Crofton Harbour Facility Head Lease for a five-year term.
Council endorsed an application by the Cowichan Valley Regional District for a Community Emergency Preparedness Fund grant application for up to $150,000 to enhance Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) capacity through training and exercises.
Council also supported a grant application for a Development Approvals Program grant application. This $100,000 grant will support a service review to the Local Government Development Approvals Program administered by the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM).
The next Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 5:00pm.
Thank you for reading and staying informed!
Rob Douglas, Mayor
Municipality of North Cowichan
T 250.746.3117