Council met for about three and a half hours during our Special Council meeting on June 4, 2024.
A Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Housing Statutes Residential Development Amendment Compliance) received first three readings, with adoption planned for June 19 Council meeting. The amendment is necessary to comply with recent provincial legislation aimed at increasing housing density by allowing four dwelling units per lot (or three units on lots less than 280 m² in area) within the Urban Containment Boundary. Changes will also include permitting accessory dwelling units in addition to a single-family dwelling wherever a zone within the Urban Containment Boundary allows for three or four units per lot, amending the definition of single-family dwelling to include manufactured homes on a permanent foundation and removing the floor area limit for secondary suites.
Council adopted the Master Transportation Plan following a three-year process that included several rounds of public engagement. The Master Transportation Plan provides immediate and long-term direction for improving our transportation system in North Cowichan and builds on the recently adopted Official Community Plan that recognizes the strong linkage between land use and transportation. The Master Transportation Plan also recognizes our commitment to addressing climate change through reduced transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions and identifies a wide range of future projects that include investments in new infrastructure for pedestrians, cyclists, and public transit. Other projects will include intersection upgrades, new road connections, and new policies and bylaws. Implementation of the recommendations in the Master Transportation Plan will be included in five-year forecasting during the annual budget cycles.
A list of minister’s meetings to be requested during the 2024 Union of British Columbia Municipalities convention was endorsed, covering a wide range of economic, social, and environmental issues. The Union of British Columbia Municipalities convention takes place September 16 to 20 in Vancouver.
The next council meeting is on Wednesday, June 19 at 5pm.
Thank you for reading and staying informed!
Rob Douglas, Mayor
Municipality of North Cowichan
T 250.746.3117