Public Notice - Seeking Members for Agricultural Advisory Committee

Public Notice

North Cowichan is seeking volunteers to fill 8 member-at-large positions on North Cowichan’s Agricultural Advisory Committee (AgAC). Members are appointed by Council for a term to coincide with the term of Council, beginning in April 2024. 

The AgAC provides support to Council by advising on a range of agricultural issues and initiatives.

We are looking for volunteers who have experience and interest, or expertise in agricultural matters and are able to connect with the community. Representation from the following sectors is desired: agricultural producers, processors, and service providers in a variety of sectors; First Nations; Provincial Government (e.g., District Agrologist); Educational Sector (Agriculture/Food); Cowichan Agricultural Society and Young Agrarians.

If you are interested in becoming a member of North Cowichan’s Agricultural Advisory Committee, visit to view the Committee’s terms of reference and to download an application.

For questions or to submit a completed application, please contact Legislative Services via email or phone 250-746-3100.

The deadline for completed application is 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 1, 2024