Public Notice of Temporary Use Permit Amendment for BC Bike Race

Public Notice

NOTICE IS GIVEN that Council will be considering the issuance of a Temporary Use Permit Amendment to TUP00028 at their regular meeting being held on June 19, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. This meeting will be conducted in a hybrid format, in person in Council Chambers and electronically through the Cisco Webex platform.

The purpose of the Temporary Use Permit Amendment is to amend Temporary Use Permit TUP00028 issued on April 20, 2023, to allow the temporary use of the subject properties for a maximum of six consecutive days per calendar year in Crofton. The existing permit TUP00028 permits temporary uses associated with the BC Bike Race to take place from July 2-6, 2023; July 5-10, 2024; and July 5-10, 2025. The proposed amendment would replace these specified dates with the following text: “… to take place for up to six consecutive days per calendar year in 2024 and 2025”.

Anyone who believes they are affected by the permit will be provided an opportunity to provide their feedback to Council during the Public Input portion of the meeting or they may submit their comments in writing to or by dropping them off or mailing them to the Municipality of North Cowichan. The deadline for written submissions is 1:00 p.m. on Monday, June 17, 2024.

This notice is given as required by Section 494 of the Local Government Act.

Amanda Young, Director, Planning and Building