Water Main Flushing – South End Water System

Water Main Flushing – South End Water System

As part of an ongoing program of providing quality water to our customers, please be advised that the Municipality of North Cowichan, Utilities Department, will be undertaking routine water main flushing in various areas of the South End water system between Tuesday, April 2, 2024, and Tuesday, May 28, 2024, inclusive.

During this time, there may be short periods of low pressure and discolouration of water. Commercial establishments, such as laundromats and beauty salons, will receive advance warning of flushing in their area if requested.

Municipal staff will try to minimize any inconvenience. We thank you for your patience. For further information, contact the Operations Department at 250-746-3106.

Please note: The Municipality is not responsible for any damage arising from the use of discoloured water.