The Municipality of North Cowichan has long recognized the importance of educating youth on environmental matters. Our Environmental Education Program was established in 2000 to encourage youth to take steps to mitigate human caused environmental impacts.
Program goal
Although the reality of climate change can be a difficult subject, we don’t intend to focus solely on the “negative” aspects of the environment. But instead we hope to bring awareness to relevant environmental issues, while inspiring future generations of leaders. The Municipality of North Cowichan firmly believes that increasing youth awareness of environmental issues is essential to all of our futures. We hope that through our Environmental Education Program, we are helping to generate young environmental stewards within our community.
Program details
Each school year workshops are offered to students in kindergarten through to grade seven, and are presented in person, for free, at local schools part of school district 79. Teachers have the option to register their class for a 1 hour session, which includes an environmental presentation and a hands-on activity. These workshops align with provincially prescribed learning outcomes and provide opportunities for students to engage in activities that complement their regular school curriculum. Past topics have included everything from water conservation and climate change to invasive species and food security.
Students who participate in the environmental education program are eligible and encouraged to participate in the environmental education program contest. This contest, gives students an opportunity to practice environmental stewardship, be awarded great prizes by the mayor, and have their contest submissions posted to our social media! Requirements for the contest change every year, giving students a chance to challenges themselves and truly showcase their understanding of the environment.
How to get your school involved
The program runs from September to April, so we encourage teachers, principals and local groups who may be interested to email to learn about the current topic, book a presentation or provide feedback.
If you have questions or would like more information, please email the Environment Team at