In response to a toxic cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) bloom that occurred in the summer of 2016, North Cowichan established the Quamichan Lake Water Quality Task Force. The Task Force was composed of concerned residents, neighboring local government representatives as well as local and provincial experts specializing in lake health. The group was asked to recommend treatment strategies in order to improve water quality in the lake.
After a lot of research, the task force produced a report to the Mayor and Council recommending that North Cowichan:
- Implement a water quality monitoring program
- Inspect the outflow of the lake annually
- Provide a report to Council on how to establish a program to manage and reduce nutrient loading into the lake.
- Install permanent signage at the public access points to the lake to advise the public of the potential for toxic cyanobacteria blooms.
Relevant reports and information
- "Management Options and Monitoring Programs for Persistent Blue-Green Algae Blooms in Quamichan Lake" [PDF - 23 MB]
- Quamichan Lake BCIT Thesis - Moore 2019 [PDF - 2 MB]
- Quamichan Bathymetry - MOE [PDF - 318 KB]
- Quamichan Lake Fish Enhancement Rpt - Yaworski 1985 [PDF - 2 MB]
- Quamichan Lake Fish Kill - 1958 [PDF - 483 KB]
- Quamichan Lake Blue Green Algae Study - Waldichuk 1955 [PDF - 634 KB]
- Quamichan Lake Fish Stocking Assessment - Fosker and Philp 2004 [PDF - 3 MB]
- Quamichan Lake Stocking Rpt - Hayes 1942 [PDF - 543 KB]
- Quamichan Lake Survey - Klein and Heathman 1972 [PDF - 2 MB]
- Quamichan Lake Survey - Vernon 1951 [PDF - 2 MB]
- Quamichan Lake Monitoring Status - MOE 2010 [PDF - 528 KB]
- Quamichan Phosphorus Loading - Crawford 2008 [PDF - 415 KB]
- Quamichan Water Quality Assessment 1951 to 2005 - McPherson 2006 [PDF - 1 MB]