Personal Information
Information such as names, email addresses and demographic information is only obtained by the Municipality of North Cowichan when individuals supply it voluntarily, including through email or through forms available on this website. This information is used only for statistical purposes and to support relationships between individuals and the Municipality of North Cowichan. All information provided to the Municipality of North Cowichan is collected, used and disclosed in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA).
Communications through email and messaging systems on this website are for convenience only and do not constitute legal notice to the Municipality of North Cowichan, or to any of its officers, elected officials, agents, employees or representatives with respect to any matter including existing or potential claims or causes of action.
This website is copyrighted © 2023 by the Municipality of North Cowichan. This includes but is not limited to all files stored on servers at and other electronic copies of this information.
All official marks, trademarks and logos appearing on this website are the exclusive property of their respective owners. Official marks, emblems, and logos of the Municipality of North Cowichan may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not provided by the Municipality of North Cowichan.
The Municipality of North Cowichan does not warrant that this website or any service or function available through this website is free from viruses.
This website contains links to sources outside the Municipality of North Cowichan. Once users link to such sites they are subject to the privacy policies of those sites which contain information created or maintained by institutions or entities independent of the Municipality. The Municipality of North Cowichan does not endorse, approve, certify or otherwise guarantee the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of information provided on other sites.
Social Media Code of Conduct
North Cowichan reserves the right to document and/or hide comments and other material on social media channels it manages which contravene the code of conduct. Users who repeatedly violate the code of conduct may be blocked from further commenting on North Cowichan’s social media channels. Inappropriate conduct includes comments that:
- Is off-topic or irrelevant.
- Use offensive or violent language.
- Are hateful or discriminatory in nature – comments regarding race, ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or political beliefs.
- Links or comments containing sexually explicit content material.
- Are in violation of copyright or intellectual property rights.
- Are spam.
- Attacks specific groups or any comments meant to harass, threaten, or abuse individuals or groups.
- Promotes a political candidate or group.
- Are commercial solicitations or promotion of a competitor.
- Undermines or attempts to discredit public safety or health messaging during an emergency, safety, or health crisis which cannot be verified and/or corroborated for accuracy.
- Violate the Terms of Service of the social media platform.
If an individual or organization persists in violating these terms, North Cowichan reserves the right to block them from further participation.