Council met for just over two hours during our Regular Council meeting on December 6, 2023.
My Mayor’s Report included the following:
- Along with North Cowichan staff, I met with the Honourable Jennifer Whiteside, Minister of Mental Health & Addictions, to discuss our concerns regarding the Overdose Prevention Site on York Road. I reiterated that both the Municipality and Cowichan Valley School District are available to work with the Minister to find an alternative location, and that in the meantime, we would like to see Island Health extend the operating hours of the facility, provide ongoing security and harden access in front of the building. I also stressed to the Minister that we need to see greater investments in local treatment and recovery facilities for those struggling with addictions.
- Island Health provided me with a tour of the new Cowichan District Hospital under construction on Bell McKinnon Road, with the grounds now prepared, the cranes up, and the concrete foundation pours complete. At 607,601 square feet, the new $1.446 billion facility will be three times larger than the current Cowichan District Hospital and will have capacity for 204 beds. Currently there are over 200 workers on site, and it is expected this number to grow to over 1,000 as the project ramps up, providing a major boost to the local economy.
- The Province invited me to an announcement at the Legislature regarding the Speculation and Vacancy Tax, which has been expanded to an additional 13 communities across BC. People in North Cowichan and the other communities added to the tax for this year will declare for the first time in 2024 based on how they used their properties in 2023. It is anticipated more than 99% of homeowners will be exempt from paying the tax. Revenue raised through this tax will be invested in local affordable housing projects in the Cowichan region.
Councillor Debra Toporowski Qwulti’stunaat shared a thank you note and a gift of a carved paddle from the Cowichan Missing and Murdered Women, Men and Children Society for North Cowichan’s support of their fundraising gala, “Lifting Spirits, Honouring Lives” that was held on November 18.
Staff Sergeant Ken Beard (Acting Office in Charge) presented the RCMP Quarterly Report and the Downtown Duncan Corridor and Area report for July to September 2023.
A Zoning Amendment Bylaw that formalizes the existing land use to allow for a replacement BC Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals (BCSPCA) animal shelter facility at 7550 Bell McKinnon Road was adopted, following approval by the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure (MOTI).
- Note that adoption of this bylaw was originally provided on November 15, and then rescinded at a special Council meeting on November 21, as the bylaw required approval from MOTI due to its location near Highway 1.
An Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment application was denied. The amendment would have redesignated 2839 Wedgewood Drive from rural residential to a land use designation that would facilitate a two-lot subdivision.
A Development Variance Permit (DVP) application for 2945 Green Road was also denied. The DVP application would have increased the maximum permitted principal building height from 12 metres to 20 metres for a proposed hotel. Alongside the denial, Council invited the property owner to submit a Development Permit with a Variance application, which would allow for more fulsome review of the project.
A Development Variance Permit Application for 9928 Maple Street in Chemainus was approved. The permit increases the maximum permitted lot coverage from 30% to 38.2% for replacing an accessory building.
Council authorized the mayor to contact the chair of the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) to request an extension to the October 31, 2024 deadline to remove all structures associated with long-term stays at the Chemainus River Campground at 8682 Trans-Canada Highway, request an extension to the January 24, 2024 deadline to register a covenant in favour of the ALC decision, and request permission for all the long-term tenants currently on site to remain until the deadline has expired. The ALC decision follows a 2019 request by a delegation and subsequent application from Council in 2021 to exclude the campground from the Agricultural Land Reserve. The exclusion application was declined by the ALC, but the campground was permitted to remain temporarily if long-term stays (beyond 28 days) are removed and several other conditions are met.
Work on the affordable housing project at 3191 Sherman Road is moving forward, with Council authorizing the release of $75,000 from the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund to pay for site investigation and remediation works. A development permit for the 92-unit residential housing project was issued in 2021, and a subsequent investigation identified potential site contamination that will require remediation before further approvals are issued.
The Council Initiative process was given approval to gauge property owner support for a three-year renewal of the Chemainus Business Improvement Area (BIA), for the period of 2024 to 2026. This process involves the municipality sending letters to all property owners within the BIA service area and asks property owners who are not in favour of the renewal to petition Council. There must be support of at least 50% of property owners. After that step, a report will be brought back to Council with recommendations on next steps.
Council designated Councillor Toporowski to continue to serve as Acting Mayor when the Mayor is absent or unable to act, for the 2024 calendar year.
Council determined the 2024 Regular Council and Committee of the Whole meeting schedule. Council meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month, and Committee of the Whole on the second Tuesday of each month, all at 5pm and these meetings will continue to be conducted electronically (which means ‘hybrid’ allowing for both in-person and virtual participation). Exceptions to the schedule were discussed, including to address conflicts with events and conferences. The schedule also outlines one meeting in January, July, and August:
- Reschedule the May 14, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting to May 7, 2024
- Cancel the June 5, 2024 regular Council meeting
- Cancel the September 18, 2024 regular Council meeting
The next meetings are:
- December 12, 4pm, Committee of the Whole | Operating and Capital Financial Plan Review
- December 19, 5pm, Committee of the Whole | Council Procedure Bylaw workshop, Master Transportation Plan presentation
- December 20, 5pm, Regular Council
Thank you for reading and staying informed!
Rob Douglas, Mayor
Municipality of North Cowichan
T 250.746.3117