Master Transportation Plan

The North Cowichan 2024 Master Transportation Plan (MTP) provides clear direction on how the municipality could improve transportation options for all people. The MTP builds on the 2022 Official Community Plan, which recognizes the strong linkage between land use and transportation. The MTP also addresses commitment to addressing climate change, and its specific climate targets outlined in the Climate Action & Energy Plan, and support reduced transportation-related emissions through the expansion of sustainable transportation choices for the community.

The plan provides a prioritized action plan for the next 10 years. North Cowichan staff will use this plan along with asset management needs and known and expected development areas to adjust when projects should be implemented. It provides the development community with blueprint of where new transportation infrastructure is recommended and where they may be required to contribute to it. Lastly, it provides the larger community with an overall vision of how it can meet its future mode share targets, the general goals of the OCP, projected growth, and the climate targets in the Climate Action and Energy Plan while ensuring adaptability.  

MTP goals

Safety for all modes 

Streets are redesigned to support all modes especially vulnerable road users.  This goal relates to the OCP goal #2 (Build Resilient, Supportive, Inclusive Communities). 


A connected network allows residents to travel to where they need to go, for any trip purpose.   This goal relates to the OCP goals #1 (Focus Growth and Development), #2 (Build Resilient, Supportive, Inclusive Communities) and #6 (Support a Thriving Economy). 

Reduce impact on environment 

Energy use in the transportation network is gradually reduced over time.    This goal relates to the OCP goals #1 (Focus Growth and Development), #2 (Build Resilient, Supportive, Inclusive Communities) and #7 (Prioritize Climate Action). 

Transportation equity 

The transportation network can be accessed by all road users and transportation investments prioritize vulnerable road users. This goal relates to the OCP goals #2 (Build Resilient, Supportive, Inclusive Communities) and #3 (Encourage and Enable a Diverse Mix of Housing Types, Tenures, and Levels of Affordability).