Council Matters for July 17, 2024

Council met for about two and a half hours during our Regular Council meeting and Public Hearings on July 17, 2024. 

My Mayor’s Report included the following:

  • North Cowichan and the City of Duncan recently hosted a facilitated dialogue for people and businesses most impacted by public disorder related to homelessness, addictions, and mental health in the Trans-Canada Highway corridor area that includes York Road and Lewis Street. The event included panelists representing housing, health care, and public safety, and the those attending shared their perspectives and suggested ideas on how we can work together to address these issues. North Cowichan and the City of Duncan are currently working on a new “Safer Community Plan” that will outline recommendations to address public disorder. 
  • North Cowichan Council and staff were recently given a tour of Willows Crossing, an apartment complex that opened last year, located just south of the Cowichan Commons shopping centre. The property features three apartment buildings with a total of 196 units, including a mix of one, two and three-bedroom, pet-friendly suites, that provide much needed rental housing in the Cowichan region. Broadstreet Properties/Seymour Pacific Developments, a Vancouver Island-based company, provided the tour of this new development and discussed their plans to build more rental housing in North Cowichan.
  • In addition, Council and staff were given a tour of Ron Anderson & Sons Ltd, a wood-product manufacturer based in the Chemainus industrial park that builds and installs prefabricated wood-frame buildings for residential and commercial units. These include pre-fabricated wall panels, floor panels, stairs and precision-cut floor systems for major construction projects across Vancouver Island. As part of the Province of BC’s Manufacturing Jobs Fund, this company will receive $2 million in funding for a project that will use automation and advanced manufacturing to diversify its products. 

Rick Martinson, President of Cowichan Trail Stewardship Society (CTSS), presented the CTSS 2023 Impact Report. The presentation included a review of the Society’s 2023 achievements including the addition of accessible mountain biking trails (located near the Maple Bay fire hall), the sanctioning of world-class downhill trails on Mount Prevost, and their work in engaging the hiking and equestrian communities in addition to the work they do with the mountain bike community. CTSS manages North Cowichan’s extensive trail network on behalf of the mountain biking, hiking, and equestrian communities. 

Two zoning amendments were adopted:

  • Permitting an accessory dwelling unit at 7495 Relke Road.
  • Permitting a six-storey, 52-unit apartment building at 2999 Drinkwater Road, along with the purchase of an adjacent parcel of land for the future Central Paddle Park. 

The Council and Committee Procedures Bylaw was also adopted. This bylaw establishes the rules of procedure for meetings of council, committee of the whole, committees and other advisory bodies.

The Business License Bylaw and Delegation of Authority Bylaw both received first three readings. The amendments are primarily housekeeping changes in order to align with Council and Committee Procedures Bylaw.

A zoning amendment bylaw for 2950 Elm Street in Chemainus was adopted. The amendment increases the apartment building heights, reduces the building setbacks from the rail corridor, and increases the maximum lot coverage.

The Q2 2024 Council Strategic Plan Update (April 1 - June 30, 2024) was received for information. The quarterly update is a comprehensive overview of accomplishments and activities related to Council’s strategic plan actions.

The 2024-2034 Community Works Fund Agreement was approved. This funding agreement is a long-standing program of the Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) and was previously called the Federal Gas Tax Fund. Under this program, local governments in British Columbia receive an annual base amount and per-capita allocation. The Community Works Fund will continue to provide dedicated and predictable funds of approximately $1.5 million annually to North Cowichan until 2034 for investments in local infrastructure and capacity building priorities.

Joe Newell, Architect, and Reena Parhar of Parhar Group presented on a proposed 21-unit residential project for 2731 Vian Street, and early consideration of a zoning bylaw amendment application by the Clements Centre Society for 2731 Vian Street was given. This multi-family development will incorporate subsidized units and market rate units as well as addresses the critical need for housing for community members with disabilities. Early consideration is a function of the recently adopted Development Procedure Bylaw and provides the developer with some confidence that the project will be considered favourably when it returns for zoning approval at a later date. 

Automated curbside collection is one step closer. Council awarded the contract for supply and delivery of 20,650 garbage and organics carts to IPL North America Inc. for a bid price of $978,114 excluding applicable taxes. Staff will also negotiate with Toter LLC for the supply of approximately 500 120- and 240-litre bear resistant carts. Automated curbside collection of garbage and yard waste begins in early 2025, with new automated collection trucks arriving later this fall. Recycling will be considered for automated collection once the contract for that service expires. 

Council directed staff to look at an expanded street banner program that will include additional locations as well as identify locations, scope, and potential costs associated with updating the municipal hall highway sign and the existing North Cowichan gateway signs. Both these programs will be brought back to Council as part of the 2025 business planning process that happens later this fall as part of the annual budget process.

Council authorized the Mayor to send a letter of support to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure indicating support for their proposed pedestrian overpass that will cross Highway 1 between Beverly Street and James Street/York Road.

Two public hearings took place, both for 1771 Robert Street:

  • Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3914, which proposes to include 1771 Robert Street within the Urban Containment Boundary and change the designation from Rural Residential to Resident Neighbourhood, received third reading and adoption.
  • Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3915, which proposes to permit residential development at 1771 Robert Street, received third reading. This will come back before Council for adoption after a covenant is registered.

The next council meeting is on Wednesday, August 21 at 5pm.

Thank you for reading and staying informed!

Rob Douglas, Mayor
Municipality of North Cowichan
T 250.746.3117