Council met for about three hours during our Regular Council meeting on September 4, 2024.
My Mayor’s Report included the following:
- In August, I attended the Crofton Day celebration that included many family-friendly activities; bouncy castles, children’s games, food trucks, live music, a movie at dusk, and a chance to see one of our local fire trucks up close. Thanks to the Crofton Community Centre Society and all the local groups and volunteers for organizing this celebration.
- I was recently invited to join Councillor Tek Manhas for a celebration at the Sikh Temple on Sherman Road recognizing the 39th anniversary from when it was first opened to the community, following the completion of construction. I appreciated the chance to join the congregation, offer congratulation on behalf of the municipality, and share lunch with everyone.
- Along with staff and volunteers from the Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society, I spent a morning helping to remove Parrot’s feather from Somenos Creek, where we filled about 20 mid-sized totes. Native to the Amazon River, this introduced aquatic plant was first identified in Somenos Creek a decade ago, is contributing to poor water quality and delaying the migration of salmon in Somenos Creek.
- On September 2, I joined folks from across central and southern Vancouver Island at the Labour Day Picnic at Transfer Beach in Ladysmith organized by the Nanaimo Duncan and District Labour Council. Throughout our history in BC and Canada, workers organized and fought to get us the eight-hour workday, paid vacations, workplace safety and many other improvements in working conditions that raised our standard of living and created a prosperous middle class.
Pete Shepherd, founder of the Salish Sea Stones project, presented North Cowichan Mayor and Council with two new stones in hand-crafted cedar boxes to thank the municipality for our support for this project that was started in 2020 that has benefitted many youth across Vancouver Island.
Judy Stafford, Executive Director of Cowichan Green Community provided a verbal update on the organization’s impact in the community and its partnership with North Cowichan. The organization provides a number of food security projects and programs including reFRESH Food Recovery, FruitSave (a fruit gleaning project), community gardens, and KinPark Kids Camp.
Council received an update on various actions related to flooding and erosion in the flood plain of the Chemainus River. Beginning in 2022, the Flood Debris Management Secretariat has worked with North Cowichan, Halalt First Nation, and community members on projects to provide some flood protection, sediment removal, and stream channel work. Details of these works can be found at
Council approved a $3,500 grant-in-aid to the M'akola Housing Society in support of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation events and the September 30, 2024, Every Child Matters Walk.
- In addition to the walk that begins at 9:30am in downtown Duncan, M’akola Housing is hosting an evening of storytelling on September 17 at 6pm at Ts’I’ts’uwatul’ Lelum at 5755 Allenby Road (please bring your own chair), and a film night featuring ‘Penelakut: Returning to the Healing Circle’ (2021) on September 19 at 6pm at Cowichan Performing Arts Centre.
Council adopted the Climate Change Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategy, which identifies actions to help North Cowichan respond to the effects of extreme weather on our local infrastructure, natural environment, economy, and community well-being. The more than 70 actions highlighted in the document focus on maintaining and enhancing municipal services, preserving and restoring the environment, and encouraging greater collaboration at the regional level. Council directed staff to bring forward actions for implementation as part of the business planning process will occur at North Cowichan this fall to determine priorities for 2025.
Council provided authorization to staff to apply for $16.4 million in funding under Round 2 of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s (CMHC) Housing Accelerator Fund. The Housing Accelerator Fund is designed to incentivize projects that result in increased housing supply in the short-term and increase stability and predictability in the housing system for the long term. North Cowichan’s application will include actions that aim to remove barriers to development in the Bell McKinnon Growth Centre, encourage and fast-track accessory dwelling units, support a review of the Zoning Bylaw, and streamline development permit requirements for missing middle housing.
Council received the 2024 Interim Housing Needs Report for information. This report is required by the province as part of the recent Bill 44 mandates to support housing supply in B.C. The calculations and methodology for this report are stipulated by the province in order to provide an “apples to apples” comparison across the province. For North Cowichan, the anticipated number of new housing units needed within the next 20 years is 7,083.
Council endorsed a motion brought forward by Councillor Christopher Justice that directed staff to provide a report about water quality issues in Somenos Lake, and the mayor will send letters to the Province of BC, the Cowichan Valley Regional District, and the Cowichan Watershed Board urging them to take the necessary actions to address the issues that caused the fish kill events in Somenos and Quamichan Lakes.
Councillor Debra Toporowski was granted a leave from her duties as a councillor and from attending Council meetings as she runs for office (MLA for Cowichan Valley) in the 2024 provincial election, from September 5 to October 25. Councillor Chris Istace was appointed as Acting Mayor when the mayor is absent or unable to act, and Councillor Mike Caljouw was appointed Municipal Director to the Cowichan Valley Regional District Board during Councillor Toporowski’s leave of absence.
Staff will engage with First Nations on the development of an “Every Child Matters” themed crosswalk in Chemainus. This was prompted by a letter from the Chemainus Festival of Murals Society.
Council will be attending the Union of British Columbia Municipalities annual convention September 16 to 20. The next council meeting is on Wednesday, October 2 at 5pm.
Thank you for reading and staying informed!
Rob Douglas, Mayor
Municipality of North Cowichan
T 250.746.3117