Addressing Council

There are several ways to address Council during Council and Committee of the Whole meetings: as a delegation, during the public input or question period at a meeting, at a public hearing, or in writing.

Individuals who appear as delegations, submit correspondence, or address Council in person or electronically at a meeting should be aware that personal information shared or contained within their communications may become part of the permanent public record and therefore made available through the agenda process which includes publication on the North Cowichan's website. Note, specific personal information, such as residential addresses or email addresses, will be redacted from the correspondence prior to inclusion in the Agenda, in accordance with the section 22.(1) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

What is a Consent Agenda?

Consent agendas appear on each regular council meeting agenda. They are a bundle of items that can be voted on, without discussion, or members of Council can choose to pull Consent Agenda items to discuss during New Business during a council meeting. 

Not every submission addressed to Council, though received by Council, will be included in a Consent Agenda. Generally, correspondence will only be placed on the agenda for information if the author is requesting action or it requires a decision of Council.

Certain types of correspondence may be excluded from the Consent Agenda, as per the Consent Agenda Policy.

Please be advised that if your correspondence is included in the Consent Agenda, your name will be disclosed for transparency purposes and will be published on North Cowichan's website. All other personal information, such as residential addresses or email addresses, will be redacted from the correspondence prior to inclusion in the Consent Agenda, in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  

Anonymous correspondence will not be included on the Consent Agenda.

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